Our Girls
Our Malamutes truly are our beautiful friends. They are loved members of our family who are eager to work and play with us daily. We enjoy seeing our Malamutes excel in whatever we try with them from Therapy visits and the Conformation Ring to working in harness and backpacking. They are everything that Malamutes should be: impressive, strong, healthy, loyal, loving, goofy and friendly.

YukonJak's Tonomi Nightbird
DOB 31/11/16
CKC # - pending
Colour - Seal
Height growing!
Weight growing!
Hips – too young
Elbows - too young
PN -
Cardiac OFA -
Stevie is our gorgeous seal and white girl co-owned with her breeder, YukonJak. Her pedigree goes back to some gorgeous dogs from days gone by that will add some lovely genetic diversity to our breeding program down the road. She's a sweet, friendly and playful girl who's dark brown eyes give her the sweetest, soft and loving expression. Her a beautiful heavy markings, thick coat, great bone, and stellar movement made her a standout that we just couldn't refuse!
Stevie is excellent with other dogs of all sizes and has little interest in cats, we look forward to working with her in Therapy and harness while she matures for the show ring.

Tonomi's Dancing Queen
DOB 09/12/15
CKC # - pending
Colour - Dark Red
Height growing!
Weight growing!
Hips – too young
Elbows - too young
PN - N/N (Clear/Non-carrier by parentage)
Cardiac OFA -
Ejo is our first home-bred girl from our Grey's litter. From the moment she was born we knew she was special and she proved us right by having the SWEETEST spirit and her Poppa's happy-go-lucky nature. She was always the first to notice new things and investigate them. Like all of her siblings she is watchful, making sure to look before she leaps, but then goes in with all 4 paws! If you play the ABBA song Dancing Queen you will hear how it feels to know our Ejo.
When Ejo was born everyone loved her dark mahogany coat but we were struck by her gorgeous big head. She has lovely almond-shaped eyes, in a colour that is still changing, with a sweet "old soul" expression. Ejo is a good sized girl with a nice ear set, good depth of chest and great bone. She's nicely balanced from front to back, has clean movement, and stands naturally in a confident showy pose. Her coat is thick with wonderful harsh texture and will be spectacular when she's mature. Ejo has a natural obedience and great disposition for the show ring and we're excited to get her started as a baby puppy in the Spring of 2016.
At 8 weeks old, Ejo and her siblings went to the Giant Steps school with the Pup Connect program to meet and cuddle with children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. We were so impressed by her calm, curious and steady demeanor with the kids. She proved herself to be a natural for therapy work and we're looking forward to helping her develop those talents as she matures.
Sharing time with Ejo is such an honour and we know her life is going to be a fabulous ride!

Navi 9.5weeks

Tonomi's Lucky Star
DOB 09/12/15
CKC# - pending
Colour - Grey Sable
Height - growing!
Weight - growing!
Hips - too young
Elbows - too young
PN N/N (Clear, Non-carrier by parentage)
Navi, sister to Ejo and Koji, lives happily with her perfect match, musician Adam Buynicki in Massachusetts. This pretty girl was the dark horse of our Grey's Litter. Always sweet and gentle-natured, she really came in to her own and started showing us her potential around 5 weeks old and she hasn't stopped impressing us since! With her siblings Navi was the independent one, often off doing her own thing, but now that she's in her forever home she has blossomed in to the confident, social and playful girl that we knew she would be.
Navi is a very correct girl with a lovely head, beautiful dark brown eyes, and a sweet expression. She is beautifully proportioned front to back, has very easy movement, and excellent bone. Her coat is a lovely grey sable with correct texture and moderate length. We are excited to watch this baby mature and to see her in the show ring in 2016.
This baby really reminds us of her Poppa, Ekai, and we are so grateful that Adam is willing to work with us so that she can be shown. Thank you so much for giving this special girl her perfect home...and for teaching her how to sing along with the guitar!

YukonJak's Tonomi Warrior
DOB 28/07/15
CKC # - pending
Colour - Sable
Height - growing!
Weight - growing!
Hips - too young
Elbows - too young
PN - N/N (Clear, non-carrier) by parentage
Cardiac -
Sweet Sola is the newest member of our co-owned YukonJak, Slushpuppy and Tonomi family. We are thrilled to share in this young girl's future because we can already see the power and performance she has packed in to her compact body. Sola loves people, is very affectionate and playful. She has terrific drive, is eager to work, and is maturing in to a wonderful puppy-sitter. Sola is the half-sister of Crayola, the Mumma of our Grey's Litter, and has been happily helping out in the raising of her young nieces and nephew.
Sola is a beautifully correct, standard size female with a gorgeous head piece, dark almond-shaped eyes, and well-set small ears. Her coat has great texture, thickness and length which we expect will give her a very impressive look as an adult. Sola is built to move and boy does she ever! When you watch her cover ground you would swear that she's floating on air.
In the winter of 2015, Sola joined the Pup Connect program at Champlain College to offer Cegep students some puppy therapy during their exams. Sola was a star in this work, her love for people and fearless nature allowed her to plough head first in to a sea of students (literally!) where she eagerly soaked up all the love she could get. While some of the puppies tired and needed to nap, Sola carried through the full 3 hours always ready for more. We couldn't be happier to have her temperament and great looks in the future of our breeding program.
We are planning to start Sola's show career in the Spring of 2016 and know that she is ready for anything! We are so excited to see where this fun little lady goes in her big bright future.